mattwardcomedy wrote:Hey guys, just giving an introduction.
Matt Ward here, middle aged comedian, stoner, Bone's Lair repeat guest/co-host, Knoxville resident.
Welcome to the forums finally! You're going to be at the live show, yes?
"You don't play in garbage chutes!"
"Well, I did do a fair amount of dumpster diving as a kid..."
"That must be why you like it back door... you're like a dirty cabbage patch kid!"
Don't play the drinking game. We are NOT responsible for any accidents, dumpings, divorces, or firings that occur over the substance abuse cause by our show.
"JC drunk is like 'hey lets hand this random guy a shotgun and see what happens'"
Don't play the drinking game. We are NOT responsible for any accidents, dumpings, divorces, or firings that occur over the substance abuse cause by our show.
"JC drunk is like 'hey lets hand this random guy a shotgun and see what happens'"