wow you sure found a lot of traps for that second shot.....
My right hand holds a vile of trainqualizers
My left hand holds a loaded .38
I've got a young girl who's anticipating romance
And now the only little love that's left is a loaded gun
SociallyUnacceptable wrote:Has anybody noticed that bone looks like dante hicks from clerks 2 in the pic?
yes ive said that before.
Don't play the drinking game. We are NOT responsible for any accidents, dumpings, divorces, or firings that occur over the substance abuse cause by our show.
"JC drunk is like 'hey lets hand this random guy a shotgun and see what happens'"
i'd fuck 4 of em sober....let me get drunk and re-evaluate that...
My right hand holds a vile of trainqualizers
My left hand holds a loaded .38
I've got a young girl who's anticipating romance
And now the only little love that's left is a loaded gun
Bro-Scro wrote:wow you sure found a lot of traps for that second shot.....
Those aren't traps. Those are locals in that town.
Don't play the drinking game. We are NOT responsible for any accidents, dumpings, divorces, or firings that occur over the substance abuse cause by our show.
"JC drunk is like 'hey lets hand this random guy a shotgun and see what happens'"
The girl in the first shot is kinda cute.
Go Bone!
Difference between porn store and sex shop:
Sex is what you do with your socially awkward partner, porn is what better looking people (than you) get payed to do.
TSA= Touching Someone's Ass